- The programmer comes with a USB cable, programmer support at89s51, at89s52, Avr atmega, attiny loading hex file into microcontroller Download software(ProgISP & AVRdude), datasheet, win7-8-10 driver, and driver installation guide.
- Supported software: avrdude - version 5. 2 or later. Avrdude is available for many platforms. Kazama Avr programmer - windows XP/vista GUI application for USB asp and avrdude. progisp - windows gui application for avr and at89sxx.
- Allows you to read or write the microcontroller flash, eeprom, fuse bit and lock bits. support for windows, MAC os x and: Linux. sck option to support targets with low clock speed.
- There is 5v supply option for target so no need of any external supply. 6 pin polarized isp interface.
- .Programmer is USB based programmer. This is isp(in system
programmer) programmer therefor you can program your target
microcontroller without removing it from your target
microcontroller development board. This programmer will work with
a wide variety of atmel avr and at89sxx microcontroller. They
quite compact, but the design is really elegant. The USB
interface is achieved by using an atmega8 processor and the rest
is done in firmware.