- ✔️The weather station uses the ESP8266-12E to obtain data from the Internet: time of a city, weather data and forecast information for the next 3 days, scrolling on the SSD1306 OLED Display; the device can switch to display data from any city in the world - maybe your relatives or friends live there
- ✔️The device uses sensors DHT11, BMP180,BH1750FVI to collect temperature, humidity, Atmosphetic Pressure and light data. The weather station reads data indoor via sensor every 5 seconds and uploads it to the Internet every 60 seconds.You can see real-time data charts from your phone or computer.Of course you can modify the code to implement different functions
- ✔️【ESP8266】:CP2102 chip inside,Micro USB,4MB flash,full I/O port and wireless 802.11 supported IOT platform Arduino compatible. 【DHT11】 Sensor: A digital signal output with a calibrated temperature and humidity combined sensor.The simple communication protocol greatly reduces the programming effort required
- ✔️【BMP180】:high-precision, small size, ultra-low power 3μA pressure sensor.Its performance excellence, the absolute accuracy of the lowest can reach 0.03hPa.Can directly through the I2C bus connected with a variety of microprocessors.Pressure range: 300 ~ 1100hPa. 【BH1750FVI】:Digital Light intensity Sensor.Direct digital output, complex calculation is omitted, omitting calibration. 【OLED Yellow Blue Display】:0.96" SSD1306 128X64 Yellow&Blue OLED LCD Display with I2C IIC SPI Serial
- ✔️We have prepared weather station hardware.And 50M guidance manual,demo code,burning tools,necessary class libraries already on CD-ROM disk.or contact us on Amazon,we will send download link to you.Package List:1 x Esp8266-12E,1 x DHT11,1 x BMP180,1xBH1750FVI ,1 x OLED Display,2 x breadboard,20 x dupont cable,1 x usb cable,1xGuidance document CD-ROM disk